
Take the first step towards A Passive Income Life.

Discover a step-by-step system to build a strong Passive Income foundation while on a limited budget.


Your Passive Income Life Foundation - English

Discover a step-by-step system to build a strong Passive Income foundation while on a limited budget.

Enroll for $297

Your Passive Income Life Foundation - English

Discover a step-by-step system to build a strong Passive Income foundation while on a limited budget.

Enroll for 2 Payments of $148.50

Your Passive Income Life Foundation - Yiddish

Discover a step-by-step system to build a strong Passive Income foundation while on a limited budget.

Enroll for $297

Your Passive Income Life Foundation - Yiddish

Discover a step-by-step system to build a strong Passive Income foundation while on a limited budget.

Enroll for 2 Payments of $148.50

How To Earn 7-Figures Using Your Unique Talent


Enroll for $247


Learn actionable solutions and tools to "Attract" the Money needed for your Passive Income goal.



Develop proper "Leverage" that will help you achieve your goals.



Gain the skills to "Manage" your Money Managers.


You’re just a few steps away from a Passive income plan that works. Join today and get a 30-day money-back guarantee. No questions asked.
Plus I will give you my best selling book: "Escape from the prison of comfort & create the life of your dreams"
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From Chaim:

To me, your success is personal. You’re not in this alone.


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I heartily recommend Chaim Ekstein as a financial adviser of the highest caliber!

-Rabbi Yerachmiel Milstein


Chaim focuses on what works and is driven by a genuine joy of helping others succeed. Chaim is a Straight forward, Knowledgeable, and Experienced Businessman

-Y. S.


I am extremely grateful to Chaim for his unrivaled expertise and in empowering me to be financially viable, even in an environment with high expenses. I cannot recommend Chaim highly enough! His services are invaluable and will yield high dividends!

-S. M.

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